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:deda: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Ned Dec 28, 2008 8:58 pm

First topic message reminder :

Marko Savić Marina Živić Zoran Gavrilović


Aktiviranje društvenih potencijala u borbi za modernizaciju i unapređenje kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji
Centar za Monitoring i Evaluaciju


Usavršavanje studenata
...Period, kako se tada govorilo, velikog školskog (letnjeg) odmora nije bio i zaista predah za sve studente Beogradskog univerziteta. Da ne bude tako, postarao se savet Tehničkog fakulteta koji je u cilju sticanja praktičnih znanja odlučio da tokom leta 1906. godine pošalje izvestan broj redovnih studenata na «tehničke praktične radove». Tako je zapravo počela moderna praksa koja je doprinela da se bolje poveže teorijska sa praktičnom nastavom. Izbor zavoda u kojima su boravili «tehničari», kako su u ondašnjem žargonu zvali studente Tehničkog fakulteta, bio je dogovoren sa Ministarstvom građevina i Ministarstvom vojnim. Za studente je to bilo novo i u svakom slučaju dragoceno iskustvo...
(Đurović Arsen (2004), Modernizacija obrazovanja u kraljevini Srbiji 1905-1914, str. 734, Beograd, Istorijski institut)

REČ UNAPRED onošenje zakona o visokom obrazovanju 1998. godine, kojim je konačno ostvarena višegodišnja želja tadašnjeg režima da stavi akademsku javnost u Srbiji pod svoju kontrolu ukinuvši u potpunosti autonomiju visokoškolskih ustanova, konačno je ujedinilo intelektualnu i političku opozicionu elitu u nastojanjima da se bori za sprovođenje temeljne reforme univerziteta. Evropsko obrazovanje u Evropskoj Srbiji bila je i još uvek predstavlja mantru za koju se svi zalažu i cilj kome svi teže: od studenata i njihovih roditelja do profesora i ostalog nastavnog osoblja. D
Podsećanja radi, visokoškolski sistem uspostavljan u periodu posle Drugog svetskog rata već sedamdesetih godina biva podložen oštroj kritici, kada je sedam profesora disidenata bilo dekretom udaljeno sa Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Međutim, njihove ideje i težnje nastavile su da traju i reforme su tokom osamdesetih bile shvaćene i prihvaćene kao neminovnost čak i u krugovima tadašnje vladajuće oligarhije. Plan je napravljen i počelo se sa njegovom realizacijom, ali u okviru tadašnjeg rigidnog jednopartijskog sistema, koji je već bio u odlasku1.
Devedesete donose raspad SFRJ i građanski rat, kada je jedini cilj režima u Srbiji bio da se Univerzitet, kao potencijalno i najprikladnije mesto za širenje novih i drugačijih ideja i mišljenja, pacifikuje, primiri i da se njegov uticaj u javnosti smanji. Zakon iz 1992. teško se može nazvati reformskim. On je legalizovao trenutno (jako loše) stanje i uneo zrno podele između studenata i nastavnog osoblja. Ova konfliktna podela se produbljuje donošenjem već pomenutog novog zakona iz 1998. godine2, kojim je
1 Tzv. Šuvareve reforme, nazvane po istaknutom članu tadašnje Komunističke partije i rukovodstva SFRJ, inače autoru i osobi zaduženoj za implementaciju reforme obrazovanja. 9
2 Tzv. Šešeljev zakon o univerzitetu
ukinuta autonomija univerziteta i koji je u akademskoj javnosti okarakterisan i kao osvetnički, obzirom da je donesen posle studentskih protesta 1996/97. godine, najdužih u evropskoj istoriji, koji su nedvosmisleno označili početak kraja diktature Miloševićeve oligarhijske klike.
Posle petooktobarskih promena (još jedne plišane revolucije - prim. autora), nove demokratske vlasti su delom stavile van snage većinu članova tog zakona, sve do donošenja novog iz 2002. koji je okarakterisan kao privremeni, do donošenja novog, reformskog koji je ugledao svetlost dana tek 2005. godine, doduše u izmenjenoj formi od predloga koji je razvijen još 2003. godine.
Trenutna situacija
Danas, kada se prave reforme na Univerzitetu konačno sprovode i kada, u državi koja je osiromašena tokom devedesetih, a sama univerzitetska javnost i dalje podeljena na reformatorske struje, opet nejedinstvene i sa različitim pogledima na to kako i kojom brzinom reforme treba sprovesti i rigidni ostatke Miloševićevog, pa čak i komunističkog jednopartijskog režima, potrebno je nedvosmisleno podržati i osnažiti sve reformske inicijative proevropske orijentacije, a posebno one koje će ubrzati ispunjenje principa propisanih Bolonjskom deklaracijom – čiji je Republika Srbija potpisnik od 2003. Naravno, da bi se sve ovo postiglo do 2010. godine, kada ističe rok za implementaciju bolonjskih principa, potrebna je puna saradnja vlade, univerziteta i nevladinog sektora, ali i privrednih subjekata koji bi mogli značajno da doprinesu uspešnom sprovođenju ovog procesa.
U gotovo svim diskusijama tokom protekle decenije istaknut je hroničan nedostatak prakse i sticanja praktičnih znanja i veština studenata na svim univerzitetima u Srbiji. I sami studenti često izjavljuju da, u poređenju sa svojim kolegama

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:09 am

Students who do not choose Enterprise will complete Senior Design in their last 2 semesters. Theoretically, seniors have accumulated sufficient skills through their coursework to enable them to tackle challenging research and design problems. In practice, our seniors discover that they are fortunate if the technical problems they run into have been dealt with in their core courses. In Enterprise our 2 nd and 3 rd year students are tackling comparable problems while they are in the beginning or the midst of their core engineering courses. Their learning must be on a just-in-time model. They quickly learn to consult with the more experienced
students on their teams, and get to know which faculty members have expertise in relevant areas. Additionally, they rapidly develop their web and library research skills. We have found it advantageous to establish an internal library of texts, journals, and magazines. We have built the library through purchases funded by profits and from the castoffs from our faculty, who regularly receive books from hopeful publishers. A number of quite relevant trade journals are available free of charge, including Microwave Journal, Photonics Spectra, Laser Focus, Applied Microwave & Wireless, and Microwaves & RF .
Because of just-in-time learning, our WCE students explore many subdisciplines before running into them in their coursework. Our faculty report that Enterprise students ask many questions and generally are more engaged in course material that they have experienced already in product development activities. Most importantly, the students are using the learning model they will employ in professional life. For example, when a project engineer has to pick up a skill quickly, she doesn’t normally ask her supervisor to send her off to take a course.
Since the WCE is a fairly sizable company, there are a number of management positions that must be filled and a number of special duties that must be executed. (Details later.) Nevertheless, our policy is that every individual must have substantial hands-on product or R&D responsibilities – with one exception. The WCE President is permitted to work leadership issues full time. Typically the President is a senior who has worked up the ladder for the previous two or three years. Hands-on means engineering design, fab, or test for engineering majors, software or computer system design for computer science majors, market research or business development for business majors, etc. Many of our engineering students are heavily involved in the marketing side of their product development work, but we require that engineering students have substantial engineering responsibilities within the WCE.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:10 am

Documentation and grading

There is no grading curve in WCE. If teams work hard and document thoroughly, they receive an A. Since this is only a virtual company, jobs are not at risk, and technical risks can be taken without a grade suffering.
We strive to achieve a semi-professional standard of documentation. Namely, our project teams take documentation very seriously, but given the part-time nature of Enterprise (it’s just one of several courses taken in any term), it would be counterproductive to attempt industry practices.
Project teams typically consist of 4 to 10 people. A key position on each team is Documentation Chief. This person coordinates the documentation efforts of each team – while taking pains to avoid doing all the work himself, given that he also has substantial engineering responsibilities. Each team must compile a binder each semester that documents background research, sketches, designs, calculations, analysis, vendor quotes, and anything substantive associated with the team’s work that semester. An engineering notebook is maintained with pages dated and signed that relate to potential intellectual property. A final report each semester summarizes the work including contributions to intellectual property or recommended profit sharing – by name. The intent is that if a royalty stream begins several years downstream, we can trace contributions back to insure that the right people get their checks. We therefore encourage our alumni to stay in touch in case we owe them residuals. We have already had the pleasure of sending profit sharing checks to several alumni who were on the ground floor of our first engineering services contract.
The semester’s documentation serves as the basis for each team’s grade, determined by the faculty advisor. The author’s philosophy is if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen and it
doesn’t exist. Our current WCE students have experienced the value of good documentation from projects completed in previous years. Also, they have noticed that no information survives from a previous project except what is found in the team binder.
With rare exceptions, an individual will not receive a grade higher than the team grade. But individual grades can be lower. Each WCE student receives at least 3 performance evaluations, using a standard form which includes a recommended letter grade, with text to support the recommendation. The three evals are (1) a self-eval, (2) a peer eval from another team member, and (3) an eval from the Project Manager. The faculty advisor is the sole recipient of the evals and awards individual semester grades accordingly. The principle is that a team member can hide from the faculty, but not from his peers. The Project Manager evaluation is weighted most heavily. In the event of a serious discrepancy among the three evals, the advisor will seek additional information, but this is rarely required. Although self-evals are occasionally inflated, I have had only 2 grades protested (informally in my office) over the last three years, with many hundreds of grades awarded. Interestingly, there are always a number of students who are far harder on themselves than they should be. I feel free in such cases to disregard their low recommendations.
It has been advantageous in the last year to add a midterm eval conducted by each PM for the team members. The faculty advisor does not see the results of this eval, unless the student officers identify problem employees, defined as those on track to earn less than a B. If a team member is not performing well, the midterm eval enables correction or an opportunity to drop the course without a grade at that point.
Company structure and management Issues
WCE’s current officers are President, VP – Operations, VP – Finance, VP – Technology, and VP – Intellectual Property. As in many companies, the President and VP – Operations back each other up on most functions. Most officer functions are obvious, so I’ll just mention some non-obvious aspects. VP – Technology is responsible for all the computer and network systems, plus requirements for and calibration of lab instrumentation. VP – Intellectual Property was established to insure common formats for documentation and to serve as a focal point for working the MTU process associated with patent disclosures.
Each of the twelve project teams is led by a Project Manager, along with a Deputy PM who serves as the Management Representative to special meetings called by the officers. The officers meet weekly. Additionally, each team has a Documentation Chief, as described above. Three of our product development projects have considerable technical overlap currently, so it was convenient to appoint a Division Chief over those three projects. The Division Chief, like everyone else, also serves as a project engineer on one of the projects.
A major challenge for the PMs and the officers is to foster communication among the teams. Many projects face common challenges, and our seniors can often identify a solution from a project one or two years before that the sophomores and juniors are unaware of. Thus some modest corporate memory has developed. On the other hand, one of our teams was recently embarrassed by discovering that they had spent two weeks on a filter design that was essentially identical to one done by another team a few weeks before that. We use a weekly company meeting – the regularly scheduled class time – for teams to provide technical and status updates to foster communication and
help across the company. Beyond the company meeting, it’s up to project teams to schedule and execute their activities. Students account for their time on a weekly basis. The minimum time required is three hours per week per credit. Seniors enroll for two credits; sophomores and juniors for one.
The academic year’s major event is the Undergraduate Research Exposition in late Spring, which includes poster sessions and formal presentations for Enterprises, Senior Design projects, and other undergraduate research activities across the campus. We invite local media and all of our corporate sponsors for this event. Cash prizes are awarded to outstanding entries in several categories. Preparation for the Expo is a top priority for the WCE officers.
In early Fall term, the Enterprises do a special poster session in conjunction with the MTU Career Fair, which brings many companies to campus to hire our graduates. Additionally, there are many ad hoc presentations to visitors coming through the campus, particularly when there is an opportunity to solicit sponsorship for the Enterprise Program or for a particular R&D project. Our students learn to be responsive and can do ad hoc presentations on very short notice.
Industry-sponsored R&D projects
Our sponsored projects in WCE differ from projects sponsored for Senior Design in significant ways. We look for projects that fit the wireless/photonics theme, of course. More importantly, we look for projects with multi-year potential. A Senior Design project is born, develops, and dies all within a tight academic year. A follow-on project the next year necessarily employs an entirely new team. In the WCE, since students return from year to year, projects can enjoy larger scope and multiple phases, without suffering as much in the low-slope portion of the learning curve. This benefits
our sponsors, of course. Also, we have the liberty to begin a project in almost any part of the academic year, and finishing it at any time. When a project terminates, our company is large enough so that we can reassign members to other teams.
Our first Engineering Services contract originated when some of our students discovered that MTU was about to solicit bids from engineering firms to establish a digital wireless link to a remote site. Our students formed a proposal team which was careful to substantially underbid any competitor, won the contract, and performed the work successfully. The bid included engineering labor hours, which resulted in cash in the students’ pockets. The work entailed considerable system engineering, testing of freshly state-of-the-art hardware, installation, and checkout. The system is still operating contentedly long after the project’s completion.
During the 2002-2003 academic year we delivered on 5 R&D projects. For Rockwell Collins, a team designed and built a robotic 3-D measurement and data acquisition system to analyze multipath communication effects inside commercial aircraft. A second Rockwell Collins project team built a detailed simulation of a mobile satellite communications system. For IR Telemetrics, we developed a new technique which will serve as the basis of the next generation of telemetry transponders to extract operational data from the inside of working automotive engines. For Keweenaw Research Center, a team developed a TV based control system for the operator of the Streamsweeper, a small barge designed to suction sand from stream beds that have deteriorated – in order to bring the streams back to life. Under a grant provided by SBC Ameritech, our largest project this year, we developed a new workshop for MTU’s Summer Youth Program to bring high school students and teachers to campus for an intense short course in wireless and photonics technology. This project’s deliverables include curriculum and lab kits to return with the teachers for use in their science courses. Additionally, we hope to develop these kits for sale in educational and hobbyist markets.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:11 am

Original product development projects

The challenge in original product development is to identify a niche that will be open for at least two years following the launch of a project. The students are working part time on the projects and are still engineers-in-training. Therefore, even a sharp, well-motivated team is likely two years away from a successful prototype and a patent application. Because of the two year window, we look for applications of existing technology that are off the main path of commercial electronics companies. Namely, any simple extension of technologies or applications already on the market is likely to be captured by our industrial competitors long before we can get to market. In fact, we have had three product development activities terminated several months after start, because competitors announced new products that were very close to our design concepts. Despite the disappointment,there was some encouragement in this, because it indicated that our entrepreneurs were thinking the same thoughts as the pros.
Any product development launch necessarily entails considerable market analysis and patent searching. The motivation is high in this phase because of the danger of performing months of design work on a concept already taken. Additionally, we are developing a security consciousness, wherein students are admonished to keep proprietary information inside the company. Our students sign a Proprietary Rights Agreement Form that we have negotiated with MTU that delineates individual
responsibilities and principles for sharing royalties among the students and the university.
An interesting case developed last year in which it became clear that one of the product concepts was being discussed outside the company. Because of this, a creative student who wanted to launch a new product team asked if he could keep the new concept covert within the company. We agreed that only his team, the 5 officers, and the faculty advisor would be privy to the details. Therefore, when his team gave status updates at company meetings, the briefings were sanitized – appropriate details were left out. More detailed presentations were given to the advisor and the officers. This approach seemed to work effectively.
Initial career benefits for students
Although we do not have statistical data, we have considerable anecdotal evidence that our Enterprise graduates enjoy an edge in interviewing for their first jobs. Employers rave about the experience of our students documented on their resumes, plus the real-world engineering stories conveyed during interviews. In fact, the MTU Engineering Enterprise Program was motivated in part by discussion with our industrial advisory boards that encouraged us to bring more real-world experiences into the curriculum.
Just a couple of anecdotes: A recent graduate who held the WCE President’s job was hired by an aerospace firm into a fast-track system engineering position, leapfrogging other entry level hires by several years, specifically because of his WCE experience. Another graduate who served as a PM for a large product team was the lone hire by a defense firm that brought in 17 candidates to its plant, including two MS graduates from major universities.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:13 am

Conclusions and prognosis

Advising the WCE is extremely rewarding as a teaching experience. Within the university, we are still sorting out how Enterprise advising fits into a faculty success model. Advising demands irregular chunks of time, but the integrated average over an academic year should not be excessive. If it is excessive, the advisor is likely violating the principle of student ownership. My Enterprise is two to three times larger than most of those at MTU, but that is my personal choice. A larger company allows more diversity in projects and a wider variety of leadership challenges for the students. My career experience in program management before I came to MTU helps me to find efficiencies in advising a large Enterprise.
The WCE professional culture grows each year, as a new crop of leaders builds on the foundation of their predecessors. The long term goals include spinning off businesses into the local community. The first big step, of course, is to work through the patent, licensing, and royalties process for several current products under development.
We anticipate that the Enterprise Program will grow on campus, creating additional virtual companies and attracting more students. We deliberately want to keep Enterprise as a voluntary academic option, with Senior Design as the default. The Enterprise culture and productivity would only suffer if we pushed every student into the program. Frankly, some students are not ready for the initiative required in a major team project until their senior year.
The key limiting growth factor is finding faculty advisors, which connects back to the faculty success model. For this author, I can’t imagine a better reason to be at a university.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:14 am

Prilog 7.

E-mail kampanja – reakcije :

1. Postovani,
Sa velikim zadovoljstvom sam procitao Vas E-mail uvidevsi da radite pravu stvar. Molim Vas da me o svemu obavestavate kako bih mogao da i nas fakultet ukljucim u vase aktivnosti. Zaista, nasim studentima nedostaju mnoga prakticna znanja i vestine koje se neguju na drugim univerzitetima u svetu, a narocito u zemljama EU. Na kraju, mi se moramo ubrzo ukljuciti i akademski prostor Evrope. U tom smislu, Vi idete nekoliko koraka napred. Bravo!
Nadam se da cu uskoro imati vise vremena da razmenimo misljenja.

2. Poštovani,
Najlepše zahvaljujem na informaciji o Projektu koji toplo pozdravljam i podržavam.
Sve najlepše i puno uspeha.

3. Dragi kolega,
Nastojacu da budem prisutan na prezentaciji vaseg projekta u Medija Centru u petak.Inicijativa je veoma dobra, ali ne znam da li sta istrazivanjem obuhvatili i nas Fakultet. Moja Katedra za novinarstvo ima pozitivan stav prema studentskoj praksi i ona je u ponudi nakon druge godine studija novinarstva. Opasnost je sto studenti cesto ostanu u redakcijama i zapostave studije. Dobra strana je da se predstave buducim poslodavcima i osete praktican rad u redakciji. U sklopu reforme univerziteta mi cemo im ovu praksu bodovati odredjenim brojem ECTS bodova.
Predstavljeni e-mailovi su dati integralno, ali bez identifikacije pošiljaoca, radi zaštite njihovog ličnog identiteta ili identiteta institucije kojoj pripadaju. Po strukturi, predstavljeni su podjednako najzanimljiviji e-mailovi studenata, profesora, ali i predstavnika privrednog sektora.

4. Imate moju punu podrsku!
Stojim vam na raspolaganju, shodno mojim obavezama.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:15 am

5. Postovani,
prijatno sam iznenadjena i veoma mi je drago da je projekat Studenti i praksa pokrenut, jer je postalo vise nego ocigledno da je prakticnim znanjima slabo posvecivana paznja. Na taj problem su, pre svega, ukazivali studenti, ali malo se radilo na omogucavanju sticanja prakticnih vestina koje takodje kvalifikuju nase mlade ljude da se pokazu na svojim novim radnim mestima. Iako se radi na pripremi novih planova i programa u skladu sa reformom Univerziteta, treba i dalje isticati ovaj problem i voditi nezavisne kampanje i projekte da se praksa implementira u obavezne oblike nastave.

6. Dragi gospodine,
Veoma sam zainteresovan za pracenje ovog vaseg, veoma vaznog, projekta. Posto sam trenutno predsedavajuci IEEE Education Society Chapter-a za SCG, predlazem da proucimo mogucnosti saradnje. Pre svega, mozemo organizovati zajednicke okrugle stolove i, eventualno, simpozijume sa tematikom visokog obrazovanja elektroinzenjera. Voleo bih da sa Vama licno i porazgovaram o tome. Mozemo se naci kod mene na Elektrotehnickom fakultetu u Beogradu u vreme koje nam obojici odgovara.

7. Hvala na informacijama!
Projekat koji radite je izuzetno vazan.
I sam kao profesor koji stalno traga za novim i zivopisnijim metodama nastave susrecem se sa tim problemima. To je razlog da sam na Smjeru uveo praksu! Isto tako npr. studenti iz Biznisa moraju da naprave vise intervjua sa "obicnim" preduzetnicima i zaposlenima na zelenoj pijaci, stocnoj pijaci, u kafani,...
Ovo je mnogima izgledalo neozbiljno i ispod nivoa. Ali, ja sam dobio od skoro svih studenata veliku zahvalnost sto su to radili! Zajedno svim tim zahvalama je bilo: "Mi kao da zivimo pod staklenim zvonom, i ne prepoznajemo zivot oko nas." Sada traze da nastavim sa tim!
Rado cu ucestvovati na Vasim okruglim stolovima!
Ako treba bilo kakva pomoc- tu sam!

8. Postovani,
Mnogo hvala na upucenom pozivu na saradnju, rado cu se odazvati. Prenecu svom Nastavno/naucnom vecu postojanje jedne ovakve inicijative.

9. Kolege,
veoma mi je drago sto se bavite pitanjima koje ste naveli. Kao obrazovani sociolog plasim se da ce tako obimno zamisljeno istrazivanje samo potvrditi vasu polaznu hipotezu.
Vise bih voleo kada bi mesto trosenja para za socioloska istrazivanja koje po definiciji sluze samo za to da se potvrdi ono sa cim se pocelo, zbog cega su takva istrazivanja u svetu postala dosta retka, da prionete na konkrtetne stvari. Obrazovanje studenata za rad sa racunarima i na Internetu jeste kljucni napor i mera razvoja.
Predlozio bih vam da mesto skupljanja podataka organizujete da svi studneti na Beogradskom Univerzitetu a ne samo na njemu,imaju stalan i neogranicen pristup racunarima, brzom Internetu i obucavanje Internet pismenosti.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:16 am

10. Postovani,
Zelimo vam puno uspeha u radu, smatramo da je to jako vazna tema… ukoliko budete sprovodili jos neku anketu kontaktirajte nas, jer mi iako smo alternativni vid obrazovanja, nase specijalisticke studije traju godinu dana
imamo puno isklustva sa praksom koju za nase studente organizujemo u medijima...

11. Postovani,
dobio sam Vas e-mail. Hvala Vam najsrdacnije. U potpunosti podrzavam projekat "STUDENTI I PRAKSA", jer nasim studentima praksa najvise nedostaje. Dosta putujem po stranim zemljama, bio sam gostujuci naucni radnik na mnogim evropskim univerzitetima i video sam kako se tamo radi. Zato korisna saznanja primenjujem u nastavi sa svojim studentima i insistiram na praksi i sticanju prakticnih znanja.
Racunajte na mene, ako je nesto potrebno, a ja cu nastaviti sa povezivanjem teorije i prakse u nastavi.

12. Postovane kolege,
drago me je sto sam dobila ovaj meil, i imala prilike da se obavestim o tematici STUDENTI I PRAKSA. Smatram da je tema veoma vazna, za studente svih fakulteta, a posebno tehnickih, koji nastavljaju da rade u proizvodnji, i zaista imaju problem sa prakticnim znanjima. Pristup izvodjenju nastave da bi se obuhvatili i prakticni sadrzaji se pre ostvarivao u saradnji sa preduzecima. na zalost, vec vise od deset godina, zahvaljujuci losoj materijalnoj situaciji svih segmenat u drustvu, ti kontakti i prakticni deo nastave se svodi na sve manji deo, i zavisi od licnih kontakata, i dobroj volji preduzeca, koja srecom i dalje postoji. medjutim, tu ostaje kocnica i trivijalno resavanje problema prevoza I obezbedjivanje smestaja ukoliko se taj deo izvodi u dva/tri dana, da bi se pokrilo sto vise sadrzaja.na zalost, fakulteti odavno vise nisu u meterijalnoj situaciji da pokrivaju taj deo troskova.
Ipak, nadam se da ce se situacija poboljsati, i da entuzijazam pojedinaca koji se trude da obezbede i tu vrstu sadrzaja nece ostati usamljen slucaj.
Nadam se da cemo ostati u kontaktu, i da ce biti prilike da se i aktivnije ukljucim u ovu problematiku.

13. Uvazeni,
prijatno sam iznenadjena idejom projekta "Studenti i praksa", a moja sugestija je da i oblast medicine bude ukljucena. Sticanje teorijskih znanja na svim medicinskim fakultetima,kod nas. je vise od solidnog, medjutim znanje vestina je siromasno. Aplikativnost je u kontaktu sa pacijentima moguca, posebno ako se od prve godine studija intenzivira vestina komunikacioje sa njim, ako se student angazuje naizradi laboratorijskih analiza, uzimanju materijala za odredjene analize, prakticno, uz superviziuju radi na aparatima na otkrivanju, dijagnostici i tretmanu najcescih oboljenja i na taj nacin se valjano pripremi za lekara opste medicine.
Metodom slucajnog izbora moguce je formirati grupu studenata,koji bi uz redovne programe bili ukljuceni dodatno u kurseve prakticnih vestina na zavrsnim godinama studija i pratiti radnu efikasnost njihovu u odnosu na ostale vec u prvoj godini samostalnog rada.
Ovo je naravno, simplifikovana, ali vrlo realna ideja i ukoliko ste zainteresovani moguc je dalji kontakt.

14. …student sam V godine Fakulteta tehnickih nauka u Novom Sada na odseku za Industrijsko inzenjerstvo i menadzment, pored toga sam i predsednik Evropskog udruzenja studenata industrijskog inzenjerstva i menadzmenta lokalne grupe u Novom Sadu (skraceno ESTIEM LG Novi Sad www.estiem.ftn.ns.ac.yu i www.estiem.org). Preko studentske organizacije ESTIEM boravio sam u vise zemalja Istocne, Zapadne i Centralne Evrope na razlicitim tehnickim univerzitetima i upoznao mnogo studenata koji studiraju iste studija kao i ja. Studentaska organizacija ESTIEM postoji na 65 univerziteta
u 24 drzave u Evropi tako da sa skoro svima njima odrzavamo kontakte. Praksa studenata je jedna od tema kojoj sam posvetio dosta vremena jer je ona upravo ono sto
najvise nedostaje nasim studentima. Ja do sada imam 6 meseci prakse u kompaniji MK Commerce, sektor Secer, mentor tehnicki direktor secerana dipl. ing. Vladimir Papharhaji, Dva projekta za DP Rudnici nematala "Rakovac" tako da posedujem iskustvo u radu i u privatnom i u drustvenom preduzecu. Otvoren sam za svaki vid saradnje jer mi se ova tema cini izuzetno interesantnom.

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

Počalji od Admin Pon Dec 29, 2008 1:18 am

15. Poštovani,
Zahvaljujem na informaciji o projektu "Studenti i praksa", koju, naravno, podržavam. Mi u Boru, na Tehničkom fakultetu, u tom smislu, imamo pozitivna iskustva, pa se nadam da će neko od mojih kolega biti u prilici da iznese ta iskustva na nekom od Vaših skupova. Srećno !

16. Postovani,
sa zadovoljstvom sam procitala Vas mejl u kojem nas obavestavate o projektu Studenti i praksa, kao i o svojim ostalim aktivnostima I vizijama organizacije. Navedeni projekat je veoma potreban, moze se reci neophodan u ovom trenutku donosenja Zakona o visokom obrazovanju i reformisanju visokoskolske nastave. Kao pedagog ja ga svesrdno podrzavam i zelim da se ukljucim u neki segment rada. Molim Vas da me obavestavate o rezultatima istrazivanja, kao i o aktivnostima koje predstoje kako bih se, eventualno mogla ukljuciti i ja svojim iskustvima u radu sa studentima…

17. Postovani,
Najlepse Vam se zahvaljujemo na informacijama vezanim za Vas projekat i koristimo priliku da izrazimo nasu spremnost
za saradnju. Stojimo Vam na raspolaganju sa svim informacijama koje Vam mogu biti od koristi, a imajuci u vidu
veliki broj nasih clanova kao i doprinos koji mogu pruziti razvoju i boljoj implementaciji projekta.
U nadi da cemo osvariti uspesnu saradnju
Saljem Vam srdacne pozdrave

Broj poruka : 5380
Godina : 50
Datum upisa : 08.10.2008


Nazad na vrh Ići dole

:deda: Re: S T U D E N T I P R A K S A

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